Project: Merge Icon

Project: Merge

Comparing and merging XML files.

Project: MergeOverview

Project: Merge is a Windows® application for comparing and merging XML files. Comparing two or three XML files with each other allows you to see what's changed, while merging allows you to integrate the differences from the input files into a single output file.

Project: Merge can perform both two and three way comparisons and merges. A two way operation has two input files and, in the case of merges one output file, while a three way operation also includes a third input file which is considered to be the common ancestor of the other two input files.

Feature Summary

* Fast XML Parsing
Our custom written XML parser out-performs all general purpose XML libraries we tested. (It is almost four times FASTER than TinyXML, for example.)

* Dynamic Content Tracking
For XML files where element order is unimportant, our XML process engine can correctly track and match elements that have been reordered. Additionally, for all XML files, our XML process engine can correctly match the attributes of an element no matter how they've been reordered or formatted.

* Intuitive, Efficient User Interface
Our easy to use, single-view display shows you more of your data with less repetition. Quickly navigate to the changes or conflicts you need to see.

* Search
Quickly locate any text String within the source XML files.

* XML Comparisons
Compare two or three Similar XML files with each other and see what's changed. You can quickly see the differences and in the case of three-way comparisons where potential conflicts may lie.

* XML Merging
Merge two or three similar XML files into a single result file. Resolve more possible conflicts automatically, and efficiently resolve real conflicts.


Fixed some bugs.

Project: MergeInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 2008
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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